A Message from the Executive Director
Happy Thanksgiving to all our wonderful supporters. It is hard to believe that this will be my last Thanksgiving as executive director of Desert Survivors Inc., but I am so excited for the future to see where the company will go moving forward with the new person who is already training to take over my position. One thing is for certain, we are forever grateful to you all for your continued support and loyalty to our wonderful company. It has been such a busy year for Desert Survivors. We have made some much-needed updates to some of our infrastructure on site with more to come in the new year. We have seen staff move on to new positions or retirement while welcoming new faces to our workforce. Each new person brings new and fresh ideas that continue to move Desert Survivors in the best direction. I want to send out a heartfelt THANK YOU to you all for being the b est supporters anyone could ever ask for. Please think of us as you make your plans for this years tax donations and remember, you can get a full refund on your donation. Just call us for more information and to our members be on the look out for this years Calendar which will be coming to you via mail very soon.
Wishing you all Happy Holidays from your friends at Desert Survivors Inc.
THANK YOU for your continued and unfailing support. As I always say, we could not do what we do without all of you behind us. Please know we appreciate each and everyone of you and I am sending you all a big Karen Hug.
With all the changes going on in our environment it is a struggle to maintain all the beautiful native plants and find the seeds we need to continue to grow these rare finds. Our amazing nursery staff continue to search for native plants so they can be propagated here at Desert Survivors and sold to you, the best customers in the world.
We have a full complement of Direct Support Staff to teach, guide and support our wonderful employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They have been essential in keeping up on weeding, which is never ending, up potting and general maintenance around the nursery.
We have been through a lot of staff changes, recently, which is always challenging with the population we serve. Every time we hire a new person we must go through training, and the process of seeing if the person is in fact a good fit or not. This is for both our Program Services and our beautiful Nursery. I know change is hard but we make it through as a team, together.
We have also said goodbye to a few of our employees with I/DD over the last six months. We want to wish them all the very best in their future endeavors. We look forward to hearing how you are doing. Our admin staff are extremely busy at the moment preparing for the new Contract agreement with the state to continue to provide the employment services we have developed, updated and developed some more. There is a lot of work involved with the preparation, but we hope to be awarded another contract which will be implemented in March 2024. I have done my best to keep families informed but please know you can always call me with questions. It is always a pleasure to speak with you. Keep your suggestions coming, never stop asking questions and we promise to continue to be the best that we can be for you. Stay hydrated and please be safe during this intense heat and I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Cheerio for now